Your DSA Recreational Account
When you become a Recreational Competitor DSA will create an online account.
The purpose for this account is two fold;
DSA needs to keep some basic information about you such as your name, gender and year of birth. Without this DSA cannot maintain competition records.
This account will be linked to all your competition Results. A DanceSport Australia goal is to provide competitors with a complete history of their competition experience
All DSA Members and Recreational Competitors have the right to log into and maintain their own Accounts. In the case of Recreational Competitors you will need to get your Login details from the Registered Teaching Facility that created your account.

NOTE: A temporary Password will be created when your Registration is added to the DSA database. It is your choice whether you want your RTF to maintain your details and thereby logging in through the Recreational Competitor Login. You have the absolute right to maintain your own Account if you so wish. This is done by simply changing your Password which then blocks Studio access to your account.