How to Register as an
Event Organiser
To be able to register an Event a person or group must be registered with DSA an an Event Organiser.
Once registered 'The Organiser' may apply for Event registrations through the Administration Panel. Organisers will also be able to monitor and edit Entries for their Events through the same Administration Panel.
Dance Societies/Event providers are able to register multiple Organiser groups within the system, this is useful for State Branches to control and brand their events. Each Organiser may provide a 'graphic title' which will be placed at the top of their Events for branding.
Once an Organiser is registered people can be added to that Organiser to administer the the on-line content for that Organiser. For example, DanceSport Victoria may allocate (or change) people that will administrate their competitions or lectures.
Access to the Organiser Administration Panel is done through a button that will appear in the Members Account of the person (or persons) attached to that Organiser. Multiple people within the Organisers group can be granted varying levels of access. For example some people may have access to the 'payments' section while others such as Scrutineers have access to the data that will be loaded into the Scrutineering System.
Any person, Society or group can apply to become an Event Organiser, contact the Administration Team through the Contact Us page with your details so that registration can be completed.