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Your DanceSport results, points and elevation status are tracked using a Computer Identification number, this is your CID Number. Your CID Number is a unique number that will never change.
Name | State | CID |
(anita) Soup Kwaan | NSW | 502323 |
Aaliyah Abdul-Rahman | NSW | 504741 |
Aaliyah Currey | NSW | 504897 |
Aaliyah Abdulrahman | NSW | 505017 |
Aaliyah Hawthorn | NSW | 505574 |
Aaliyah Currie | Vic | 508268 |
Aaliyah Leilani Chou Lee | NSW | 506439 |
Aalto Koolloos | NSW | 504870 |
Aaron Collins | Vic | 500071 |
Aaron Hu | Vic | 500158 |