DanceSport Australia
Age Groups
a person's age is defined through their 'year of birth'
To calculate a person's DanceSport AGE simple subtract their 'year of birth' from the current year, for example;
2025 [current year] - 2002 [their birth year] = 23 [DSA AGE]
Age Group |
2025 |
2026 |
Sub-Juvenile |
2016 or later |
2017 or later |
Juvenile |
2013 or later |
2014 or later |
Junior |
2010 to 2012 |
2011 to 2013 |
Under 21 |
2005 to 2009 |
2006 to 2010 |
Adult |
1991 to 2004 |
1992 to 2005 |
Masters 1 |
1976 to 1990 |
1977 to 1991 |
Masters 2 |
1966 to 1975 |
1967 to 1976 |
Masters 3 |
1965 & earlier |
1966 & earlier |
Masters 4 |
1955 & earlier |
1956 & earlier |
NOTE: It is important to understand that these Age Groups are how DSA classifies competitors and not the scope of Events a Competition may run. For example a Competition Organiser may combine Age Groups, for example a Masters event may include Age Groups Masters 1, Masters 2 & Masters 3 competitors.