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DanceSport Australia Commissions

Groups of volunteers work within DSA to perform various functions that benefit all members. These groups are recognised by our Constitution and are called Commissions.

Commission Creation

Company Directors (The National Council) are elected every two years and each National Council will form the Commissions that will then operate for the term of the Council. The National Council can create any Commission that is required with the exception of the Ethics and Compliance Commission which is a requirement of the Constitution.

When setting up any Commission, the National Council shall define whether the Commission is a Constitutional Commission or not a Constitutional Commission. Commissions created by National Council that are not Constitutional Commissions shall be established or dissolved under such terms and conditions as the National Council may decide.

Who are Commission Members?

Any Full Member of DSA can be nominated for appointment to a Commmission. Company Directors (The National Council) must vote to appoint (or remove) any member of a Commission. This can be done at any time during the term of a Commission.

NOTE: A Commission may create a Committee for purposes relating to that Commission. Persons assigned to a Committee are at the discretion of the Commission and work done by that Committee is reported directly to the Commission, not the Company Directors.

Constitutional Commission

A Constitutional Commission shall have the right to make policy recommendations to the National Council, which the National Council may accept or reject but not alter, except with the express approval of the relevant Constitutional Commission chairman.

A Constitutional Commission shall have three principal functions: Firstly the formulation of policy proposals, secondly the oversight of the implementation of policy approved by the National Council, and thirdly the execution of such regulatory powers as are delegated to it by the National Council. A Constitutional Commission shall be entitled to exercise such reasonable discretion as is necessary and expedient in the execution of its regulatory powers, except that a Constitutional Commission shall not act contrary to any policy approved or directive issued by National Council.

When setting up any Commission, the National Council shall define whether the Commission is a Constitutional Commission or not a Constitutional Commission. Commissions created by National Council that are not Constitutional Commissions shall be established or dissolved under such terms and conditions as the National Council may decide.

Commission Work

Commission work is valuable and form the backbone of DanceSport Australia. The Commission structure allows all interested parties to get involved with moving our sport forward.

Commissions may set up committees to deal with special aspects of that Commission, for example; a Marketing Commission may have a committee dedicated to the publishing of DanceSport Photos.

If you have a passion and want to get involved then please contact us through our Contact Admin Team Page.

DanceSport Australia Commissions

Commission Name Chair Constitutional
Australian and International Affairs Adam Blakey
Competitors & Competition Commission Brodie Barden
DSA Academy Martyn Kibel
Ethics and Compliance Commission Christian Sandison Yes
Grants Commission Martyn Kibel
Marketing, Communications & DanceSport Studios Commission Geoffrey Vine
Para-Dance and All Abilities Commission Judith Williams
Rules & Governance Commission Derek Gatley OAM
Sporting Schools Commission Adam Blakey