Benefits of Registering your Event
DanceSport competitors and their supporters expect competitions to be conducted consistently and impartially so everyone gets a 'fair go'. DanceSport Australia provides a platform that has consistent rules for running and administering competitions. The rules provide a structure for Divisions and Age Groups as well as Grading and Elevations. Furthermore, all DSA Coaches and Adjudicators abide by a code of conduct which gives competitors, parents and caregivers confidence in attending DSA Events.
Major benefits of registering your Event are listed below;
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Events which are registered with DSA are covered by our Competitor/Official's Insurance. This accident insurance covers limited medical expenses for competitors, staff (including volunteer) and officials during the Event, it is NOT PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE.
Event Organisers are required to have their own Public Liability Insurance, the amount of insurance required is usually dictated by the venue.
In general (unless you have special cover) Public Liability Insurance will not cover those people participating in an activity. The DSA cover will assist those registered with unforeseen medical expenses.

A real challenge today is reaching competitors and informing them about Events being run locally and interstate. Social media (usually Facebook) has assisted but it is not efficient at getting out to DanceSport competitors and appears to be getting harder daily as further limits are placed on using social media platforms.

All registered Events are allocated advertising space on the DanceSport Australia website (dancesport.org.au). This advertising appears in many places including the Members Area and is rotated at random so that all Event Organisers get a even spread across the website. All active competitors transverse the website regularly to place entries, check Elevation Points, apply for Accreditation, Log into their Accounts, etc.
There are 3 advertising slots and these are allocated on the following basis;
Top Position: National Championships
Center Position: Championships
Bottom Position: Competitions and Development
Your Event's artwork can be .jpg, .gif or .png and the size should be at least 500px wide by 200px height, we will re size accordingly. To send you advert use the DSA file upload service located at upload.dancesport.org.au
All competitions are automatically allocated a Blog which will appear in the 'Latest News' in the Member Area.
These Blogs are essentially a single page essay to make competitors and supporters aware the competition is running and the On-Line Entry/Ticket System is open. (The Blog is active once the On-Line Entry/Ticket System is opened.) Each Blog contains code that allows viewers to share directly with Facebook, thus increasing the reach of the Blog to their friends.

Newsletters are a collection of Blogs that are wrapped and sent to all Members and competitors each month. Newsletters will also contain other Blogs which include such subjects such as Rule changes, Policy updates and other general information for members. Your Event's Blog will be included in the appropriate Newsletter.

The On-Line Entry System greatly reduces the administrative work required for competitions. This system has been in operation for several years now and competitors are very familiar with the entry process. It has been noticed that many competitors now use the On-Line Event calendar to plan their competitive activity usually entering several Events at one time.
The On-Line Entry/Ticket System automatically checks a competitor's status; Grade, Division, Age Group & financial status, removing that requirement from Event Organisers therefore saving the Event Organiser many hours of work.
The 'back end' of the On-Line Entry System allows you, the Organiser, access to administrative tools to monitor and edit entries to your Event. Administrative tools include the ability of attendees to pay for items such as Entry Fees and Tickets via the system.
To personalise the entry portal, Organisers may supply a banner that will display at the top of all events run by that Organiser.

DanceSport Australia values the experience Accredited Coaches bring to our sport. It is through their dedication and resilience that competition dancing exists in Australia today.
The On-Line Entry/Ticket System can be set to record a competitor's Coach, this will be on a drop down menu that displays all DSA Coaches. Recognition of Coaches cannot be under valued, they are the people in contact with competitors and these are the people who can actively encourage competitor participation. Competitors may choose to allocate the same Coach to all events or individually allocate for different styles/events.

Sports Ranking Systems are all designed to give valuable feedback to competitors and their supporters, this encourages participation which in turn improves performances. However the downside of Ranking Systems it the time required for administration.
Fortunately the DanceSport Australia manages all Rankings through the On-Line Entry System and the results of competitions returned from the DanceScore program. All OPEN events for Amateur, Professional, Under 16, Recreational, ProAm and Coach Student are included in the Ranking System. Ranking is also sorted by State so that competitors can visualise their improvement both nationally and locally.
The On-Line Entry System clearly displays to the competitor what events will be included in the Ranking System when selecting their entries.

As Event Organisers would know, all results are monitored and Points are allocated to competitors for the purposes of Grading and Ranking. For this to work effectively it requires all competitor CID numbers to be entered and correct at the time of processing the competition. The On-Line Entry System allows scrutineers to extract data that ensures all CIDs and Ranking codes are correct. This data is imported directly into the DanceScore scrutineering software saving many hours of cross checking.
Directly after a competition the results produced by DanceScore is imported directly into the DSA database. It is this data that is used for the generation of Points and Rankings and the upload is done by a DanceSport Australia Scrutineer.
NOTE: All Open events are Ranked automatically by the system provided a further feedback to our competitors, another way competitors can monitor their progress.
All Events are automatically included in the DanceSportLive website, this is where competition results will be loaded at the conclusion of days competition. This is done by your DanceSport Australia Scrutineer who has access to the website. dancesportlive.com
Your Event's DanceSportLive Magazine page is much more than a place to store results. The DanceSportLive site is designed to work with the DanceScore software so that Proposed and Live Timetables can be published along with Recall Notices, Entry and Website Links along with many other functions that can be used to generate interest for your Event. The appeal of printed media (printed programmes) has reduced in recent years partly due to environmental concerns but mostly due to their expense and inflexibility. Once printed, programming changes can be difficult and sometimes confusing. In contrast DanceSportLive's on-line media is quick to adapt to changes that occur on the run up to the competition and even during the Event.
Most importantly your advertisers and sponsors can be displayed here providing them a showcase where competitors and supporters will visit before, during and after the competition. Your DSA Scrutineer will assist you in the process of uploading sponsor logos and advertiser's adverts.

DanceSportLive and Video Streaming
Your registered Event will also have access to the DanceSportLive Video Streaming services. This could be done by Live Streaming or recording the video so it can be loaded to the DanceSportLive Magazine page, or both.
No doubt you would be aware that storage space and bandwidth costs increase with the volume consumed, and video files consume a lot. It is important here to note that DanceSport Australia owns it own servers and these costs are included in your Event's registration fee.