Introduction to the
Amateur Elevation System
In the period if time from January 2020 (through to 2022) there was much disruption for DanceSport competitors both in training and competing. Virtually all competitions in 2020 were cancelled and in 2021 many either cancelled or reduced in stature which removed the functionality of the 'then' Elevation process.
In November 2021 the Competition Commission proposed a reset of the Elevation system to allow competitions to return to the 'new normal'.
Information published here reflects the current Amateur Elevation System and was implemented as of the 1st January 2022.
The goal of any Grade/Elevation system is to protect the inexperienced competitors, that is to create an environment that inexperienced competitors can compete with their peers. Establishing a system that encourages DanceSport competitors to move forward and at the same time be simple enough for all competitors, parents and supporters to understand is fundamental to any well organised sport.
An elevation system must,
provide consistency for competitors across Australia,
protect inexperienced competitors,
reward performance and
never discourage participation.
All Amateur competitors have an online account where they can view their results and the Elevation Points gained from competing as well as the Grade they currently reside in. Grades are allocated for each style, for example an Amateur competitor may be C Grade in New Vogue and A Grade in Latin.
When an Amateur couple is comprised of competitors of different Grades, the couple is required to compete in the higher Grade. For example, a C Grade competitor partnering with a B Grade competitor, this couple will compete in B Grade events.
NOTE: Elevation Points and Ranking Points come from the same competition data but are calculated differently.