Rules & Governance Commission
The charter of the Rules Commission is to ensure that the Rules of Dancesport remain relevant to the current day expectations of the participants in Dancesport.
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In order to achieve this relevance, the Commission will receive and consider input from Members and State Branches.
The Commission is required to present any recommendations for change to the Rules of Dancesport to the National Council.
Name | Chair | |
Derek Gatley OAM | dgatley@iinet.net.au | Yes |
Jeffrey Elworthy OAM | jeffrey.elworthy@gmail.com | |
Carol Kimmins | carol@ckdance.com.au | |
Anna Longmore | anna.longmore@hotmail.com | |
Jan Reilly | janreilly.wa@gmail.com | |
Jody Rollason | jody@rhythmdanceattitude.com.au |