RTF Benefits
U16 & Recreational Members
RTFs are able to manage Under 16 & Recreational Competitors directly with the DSA database.
RTF Incentive Scheme
DanceSport Australia understands that there are overheads in running a business in both time and money. The RTF Incentive Scheme was introduced to help, in a small way, with these expenses. Essentially 10% of Membership fees are rebated to participating Studios. For more details Click Here.
DSA Logo
RTFs are permitted to use the DanceSport Australia Logo in their advertising. Remember that DanceSport Australia is the only DanceSport body recognised by the Australian Government and the ability to advertise this association is a useful tool in marketing.
DSA Website
A listing on the DSA official website under Recognized Teaching Facilities linked to the 'Learn to Dance' web page.
Multiple Locations
The listing on the DSA website allows for multiple locations to be displayed.
DSA Marketing
DanceSport Australia marketing will target Registered Training Facilities.
It should be noted that this program is 'a work in progress' and changes will be made during the course of development. DanceSport Australia wishes to affirm its' intention to provide support for all interested parties and looks forward to feedback as to how the RTF Scheme can be improved.