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1. Login to your Member Account

All votes are submitted through the Member's Login. Members eligible to vote will find a 'Vote' button which will disappear once the Member has cast their vote. The 'Vote' button will only show once the election is active.

If you have misplaced your password Don't Panic!!! Click here to go to the Administration Team portal to request a new password.


2. Read the Candidate Profiles

All eligible Members will be able to select up to six (6) candidates in the General Category. Those Members that are registered as Amateur or Professional competitors will also be able to select two (2) candidates from the Competitor Category. Registered Coaches will also be able to select two (2) candidates from the Coaching Category.


3. Review and Confirm

A review screen will display the candidates selected; you may return to the start to re-select or confirm the selection. Once confirmed the 'National Voting' button will be removed from the Member's Account.

Voting now open for the 2023 National Elections
AGM Survey closes 5pm (AET) Wednesday 31st July 2024


Vote Now

To vote, login to your Member Account and click the "National Vote" button.

For more information about how to vote please visit our instruction page here: 'How to Vote'.