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Ordinary Member 2024

Fee Amount $74

An Ordinary Member is the base Membership of DanceSport Australia.

Ordinary Members may;

To qualify to join as an Ordinary Member a person must be over the age of 16 and be an Australian Citizen, or a resident of Australia holding the appropriate Residency Visa.

NOTE: Competitive registrations such as Under 16 Division, Recreational and Athlete Licences (for Breaking, Rock n Roll, etc.) are not Memberships and do not carry the right to vote for DSA Governing Bodies or the right to stand in a DSA election.

However a person may hold a competitive registration in the for mentioned categories as well as an Ordinary Membership if they so choose.


Codes of Conduct

DanceSport Australia is committed to providing a sport and work environment free of discrimination and harassment (sexual or otherwise), where individuals are treated with respect and dignity, and where children are protected from abuse. DanceSport Australia will not tolerate behaviour, which constitutes abuse; discrimination or harassment under any circumstances and will take disciplinary action against anyone who breaches our Member Protection Policy. Failure to meet these requirements could lead to a report being submitted to the Branch Ethics and Conduct Committee.