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Movie night great result for South Australia Schools Program

Fundraising via our second annual movie event was held on Sunday 14 July. DanceSport SA are focused on developing and implementing a Schools’ Program.

There were 148 people that contributed over $1,000 for this program through generous purchase of raffle and movie tickets.

From all reports, everyone enjoyed the movie ‘Yesterday’, and socialising with friends and dancers.

A big thank you goes to the following for their assistance:

DanceSport studios

Social studios

In particular we also thank Sonia Rasland, and the 44 students whom she encouraged to attend.


Schools program

On display at the movie event were photographs of Scott Creek students (Years 1- 6) having lessons with Annalisa Zoanetti and Torehn Lobow.

These classes were part of a pilot, and the developmental stage of the DanceSport SA Schools’ Program.

Encouraging results

The results were very encouraging, as the workshop was well received by students, teachers and parents.

Students enjoyed learning the Cha Cha and Military 2-step, even continuing their practice during recess, lunch and after school.

There is one more large school with which a trial will be conducted through DanceSport SA.

It is expected that the information and experience gained from both school workshops will ensure formulation of a compelling program.

DanceSport SA plan to target more schools in the future
DanceSport SA plan to target more schools in the future

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