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Early advice of the National Council Election 2019

This years' National Council Election is a process held every two years in which eligible members will define 10 people who will become Directors of the Company and members of the National Council.


Who is eligible to vote

Voting rights extend to all Members of DSA (Ordinary, Amateur, Professional and Accredited)  that fulfil the following;

  1. Must be 16 years of age or over
  2. Have paid their 2019 membership fee, and
  3. Held a full membership for 12 months or longer as of 1 August, 2019.

Recreational members do not get to vote

Recreational competitor registration is not a full membership of DSA and therefore not eligible to vote in DSA elections. Recreational competitors that wish to participate in any DSA electoral process need to hold a minimum of a DSA Ordinary member for 12 months prior to the election.


Who can nominate for election

Profiles of candidates and information regarding new voting procedures will be provided soon in forthcoming newsletters.

Under the terms of our current constitution, only State Branch Board members - past and present - are eligible to nominate for election via this process. The reason for this is that people who have been elected by the members to serve on a State Branch are able to gain the necessary administrative experience to have valuable input at the National level.

The election will define 10 Councillors elected from the following categories:

The "function based" ideal has been a part of the framework of DSA's National Council since its inception so as to ensure that Coaches and Competitors are represented at this level.

When received, voting members are asked to read the candidate’s profiles and all relevant information before completing the voting process.

Independent Returning Officer

DSA's external auditor Chapman Wyatt & Associates is the independent Returning Officer. They  will be solely responsible for the receipt and counting of votes and the declaration of the result.


When does voting close

Voting closes at 6pm on Friday, 6 September, 2019 – that's not far away. To vote is to exercise your democratic right and we encourage you to participate.

Early advice of the National Council Election 2019

Early advice of the National Council Election 2019

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