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Child Safe environments for South Australia
DanceSport SA is supportive of state and national regulatory bodies seeking to ensure DanceSport members are screened for Child Safe environments.
Across Australia regulatory bodies are increasingly looking to ensure Child Safe environments are maintained and supported by local sporting and non-sporting bodies.
DanceSport support
DanceSport SA can provide support for their members seeking a DCSI (Department for Communities and Social Inclusion) check, to ensure they are screened according to impending 2019 legislation.
DanceSport SA members who officiate, coach, adjudicate or volunteer on a regular basis, are encouraged to be screened.
This can be done by submitting your details, including contact details and email address, to DanceSport WA, who will then initiate the screening process locally, on their behalf.
Send your request and details to the DanceSport SA Executive Officer, Oryst Tkacz, to
This must be done well in advance of any expiring screens, as the process takes three weeks to complete.
Child Safe environments for South Australia