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DSNSW Workshop Series 23rd July - Sydney Ballroom

DSNSW Workshop Series 23rd July - Sydney Ballroom

DSNSW proudly presents another Workshop Series!

This event is to be held at Sydney Ballroom in Annandale on Sunday the 23rd of July 2023.

DSNSW has created a rotating roster with our studios to host these ongoing Workshop Series. We hope that this system will not only promote unification between the studios, but also help to support them. To ensure the fairness of this roster studio names were drawn at random from a hat, and the next name drawn was Sydney Ballroom!

Our presenters will be some of our state's leading professionals. Building up to this event we will spotlight each of our presenters, so stay tuned! 

To register for this event click here... DSA Entry System

Registrations now open!

Any further enquiries can be directed to the following email address 

Happy Dancing!


DSNSW Lectures July 2023


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