2023 DASA Summer Festival - Entries now open!
Entries are now open for the DASA Summer DanceSport Festival.
Venue: Croatian Club - 15 Wood Ave, Brompton SA
Date: Sunday 26 November 2023
Join us in Adelaide for a great day of dancesport. Great 'dress rehearsal' for the Australian C'ship.
This event is open to all States. Fly in fly out same day!
One session starting 12noon (doors open 11.15am) and an estimated finsh 6.00pm.
Events for all age categories from Under 16s, Recreational, graded and open. Extensive Coach&Pro/Student & Pro/Am events for all age categories.
DSA online entries only.
Competitor and spectator tickets available at the door. $40/$30/$20.
Syllabus and Information
Download your syllabus here...
Entries & Entry Fee Payments
All entries and entry fee payments via the DSA Entry System
Please remember all Entry Fees must be paid to validate your entry.
Entries & Entry Fee payments close: Friday 3 November 2023
Enquiries: Rhett English 0413 596644