2022 Wollongong National Championship
Entries now open!
As President of Dance Move Engage (DME), it gives me great pleasure to once again present this spectacular and glamourous National event for every Australian Dancesport enthusiast's calendar.
With the support of our sponsor Destination Wollongong, we are delighted to showcase Dancesport in Australia in the distinguished manner it deserves in front of a full house of specatators and hopefully even livestream to the rest of the world!
Following a crazy two years of Covid19 and event cancellations, it is DME's hope that every competitor travelling from within NSW, interstate or over the ditch will be able to appreciate the extent we, as a team, have gone to in order to fulfil expectations and to continually strive to improve this National Championship.
As an organisation, Dance Move Engage has always prioritised the development of the Dancesport industry, focusing initially on grass roots competitions such as our Champions of the Future events. As more and more competitors wanted to compete at our events, we listened to the needs of our DanceSport Community. The natural progression was inevitable for Dance Move Engage as an organisation to expand to a National stage and we intend to take the same care in programming, styling and presenting in order to ensure the best outcome for all involved.
Saturday will feature all Open events across all Age Groups and styles, including the exciting six, eight and ten dance as well as the Professional events. The evening session will highlight our dancers in many of the major Open finals. There are a limited number of Premium Front Row and Table Seats with a 2 course meal available so get in quick!
Sunday will feature all Graded, Recreational and Syncro events along with the Coach/Student and ProAm events. The day will be divided into sessions commencing with all of the Under 16 Division events. A limited number of Premium Front Row and Table Seats (without food) available so make sure you reserve yours!
We look forward to seeing many of you there and you can secure your spot by ordering your General Admission tickets and entering via dancesport.org.au.
The countdown to Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th June 2022 is on!
In the meantime, enjoy your dancing.
Neale Byrnes
President, Dance Move Engage
Entries and Entry Fees
All entries and Entry Fees are via the DSA Entry System
Entries Close: 29 May 2022
Please note Competitor Admission Tickets will need to be purchased.
Please check the Competition website for information.
Reserved Floorside & Table Seating
For all reserved floorside and table seating please email dancemoveengage@gmail.com
Competition Website
For all other information please see the Competition Website